Thursday, September 8, 2011

Summer Reflections

The past summer has been busy with travel, and my poor blog has gone neglected far too long. It seems that I was gone at least every other weekend, and spent the remaining weekends recovering from all the driving.

My travels have taken me to seven different states. Normally, I don't stop much along the way, but on my most recent trip, I had planned to stop by a tea room or two. However it seems that Tea Map does not update as often as they should, and most of the shops that I had intended to visit have now closed. I did, however, find a collectibles mall where I spent an enjoyable half-hour browsing through a varied assortment of antique tea cups.

While visiting my sister in Louisiana, I was delighted to find clotted cream at World Market. It's the first time I've come across it in a store, and I was anxious to get it home to try on some freshly-baked scones. Unfortunately, while on the way back, it was left in the car during the hot weather and spoiled in the heat. While I was disappointed, at least I know where I can purchase it again, and next time, I'll bring along a good scone recipe to try.

At the end of the summer, I moved back home to Alabama. The past year has been full of new experiences, and I have enjoyed it immensely. I feel that this move is what's best for me, and while I search for a new job, I have a feeling of anticipation. I'm looking forward new adventures and new friends. Now if only I could be paid for drinking tea...

1 comment:

  1. I love tea as well Ashley. I love drinking it the way they did in Ireland..with brown sugar and cream. (I use half and half) I bought some tea in ireland and I am using it sparingly..hoping it will not run out...ever. Ever. It has a distinct taste...I also enjoy English Breakfast Tea (I it is the package I have had at work) and aim to try Irish Breakfast Tea next. Joanna had some jasmine tea the other night; she purchased it from a herbal magazine. It tasted like honeysuckle...Mmmmmm. Tea has such wonderful qualities! And to think I did not like it as a child!! I thought it tasted like watered down soda. :)I
